How to book an event: To book your space, please click on the link at the bottom of the event description or go straight to my eventbrite page from here. Cost: Please pay what you can afford and what you think my work is worth. There are promocodes in the event description below and on eventbrite to make this approach possible.
If you prefer a private session in person (£60-90/h), you can contact me here.
Monthly Sunday Morning Mother Nurture & Recovery Workshop
Pregnancy, birth and motherhood change your body and being forever and are different experiences for each mother. However, there are a few common challenges mothers tend to face. My passion is to offer simple, time-efficient, holistic (postpartum) recovery practices that can make a difference in a busy mother’s daily life and give you a chance to restore your energy levels. In these workshops, we will cover the following elements with focus on one of them at a time:
- sore back, neck and shoulders
- misalignment in posture
- pelvic floor imbalances or challenges
- diastasis recti and core strength
- other physical body ailments
- Sleep deprivation, exhaustion, depletion and mental-emotional overwhelm
In this space none of us need to be right or do it right (including me), so we can find compassion for each other's situation. Everything offered in this workshop is an invitation. You decide if it is for you. You are welcome just as you are. Let’s be real together.
The arc of the workshop will be:
- short guided relaxation lying down
- 10 mins check-in circle on a the focus topic (so I get an idea what you need)
- physical recovery practices (including breathing, gentle movement, stretching and strengthening)
- restorative postures and a 20 mins deep guided relaxation (yoga nidra)
There is time for tea and a gentle easing out afterwards if you don’t have to leave immediately.
Expect to feel more grounded, calmer, more embodied and nourished in body, heart and mind by the end of the workshop.
We will practice on yoga mats and each one of us will have props (like blocks, belts, cushions and blankets) at the ready to create comfort and support as needed. Please rock up in comfortable clothing that keep you warm - this is not a sweaty session.
Upcoming dates: Sunday 14 April, 19 May, 23 June
Time: Arriving from 10:15am, Workshop 10:30-12:00am, leaving by 12:30 (duration of the actual workshop 1.5hrs). I know how challenging it can be to be on time when you have children. I invite you to aim for 10am so we can start together at 10:30. You will get the most out of this workshop when you are there from start to finish. Having said that, if circumstances make you late, please still come no matter far into the workshop time.
Location: Chestnut Studio at The Anderida Centre, Forge House, Lower Rd, Forest Row RH18 5ES (studio entrance on London Road next to Chequers Inn)
Booking: via eventbrite here. Cost: Please pay what you can afford and what you think my work is worth. £25 (full price) / £20 (use promo code Icanafford20) /£15 (use promo code Icanafford15).